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Gina L. Chodler

Associate Attorney

Gina Chodler is a highly effective mediator. She is, both, congenial yet firm in helping resolve family disputes with an emphasis on practical solutions.

This was born out of her many years as a successful litigator and counselor. Ms. Chodler is committed to helping parties mutually resolve their differences so that they may move forward unencumbered by the personal and financial costs of protracted litigation and discord. Family disputes typically involve relationships which will continue in some manner beyond resolution of the case. Through mediation, Ms. Chodler helps parties limit the emotional fallout so they may peacefully coexist, whether it be at next month’s little league game, the wedding of a child ten years hence, or the next family reunion.

In addition to her mediation practice, Ms. Chodler acts as a counselor to help clients navigate the emotional, financial and logistical practicalities of litigation and divorce. In this capacity, she guides clients toward informed decisions, managed emotions, goal setting and transition forward to the amazing new world that can begin when one door closes.

Ms. Chodler received both her advanced and basic mediation certification through the Los Angeles County Bar Association and the Center for Civic Mediation. She has also received mediation training through the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at the Pepperdine School of Law. She was admitted to the State Bar of California in 1993 and has practiced as a litigator and estate planning attorney since that time. Prior to that she received her B.A. from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Contact info

      (310) 882-0000, ext. 4